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These pics were sent into us by sponsored UK angler Ian Pickering (Ocean Kayak UK Fishing Team). Ian has found a very clever way to get around the problem of mounting the round RAILBLAZA StarPort to the rectangle recess on the Ocean Kayak Prowlers which is designed to fit the base of other adjustable rod holders like Cannon & Scotty for example.
The pics below show just how Ian has solved the problem with a very neat solution and utilized the 4 brass inserts that are molded into his Ocean Kayak Prowler Fishing Kayak. This solution will also work for the other angler models in the Ocean Kayak range including the Tetra, series, Trident series, Prowler Big Game series & even the Old Town predator.
Adding Railblaza Rod Holders To Ultra 4.7
Some nylon chopping board and A4 Stainless Steel bolts and it’s ready to go!